A Fresh Start

Hello to all my friends, old and new.  I have transferred all my blogs from WLS  to WordPress for archive purposes but plan to use this opportunity as a “fresh start” given all the changes in my life over the past year.

It seems I have much to learn as this is quite different then what I’m used to but I will get the hang of it and be back to blogging and updating everyone on what I’ve been up to.  This is my favorite time of year when the air is crisp and clean and Mother Nature displays her beauty in colorful fashion.

I will leave you with a photo from my trip to Lake Placid  from earlier this month and hope that all of you look for the beauty in all that surrounds you.

Mirror Lake

Mother’s Love

Mother’s Love
Her love is like
an island in life’s ocean,
vast and wide
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the wind, the rain, the tide.
‘Tis bound on the north by Hope,
By Patience on the West,
By tender Counsel on the South
And on the East by Rest.
Above it like a beacon light
Shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And thro’ the changing scenes of life
I find a haven there.
Author Unknown


Happy Mother’s Day to my Wonderful Mother!

Nana and Emma (Nov 2007)

Giving thanks for being a Mother to two wonderful boys…

Me with Christopher and Jonathon (Dec 2005)

and a beautiful little girl

Me and my little Emma Bean (April 2010)

Sending Mother’s Day blessings to all of the wonderful mother’s out there!

Oh Spring Where Art Thou?

Hello my Spaces Friends!
Emma and I set out on a walk yesterday in search of Spring and thought we would share our little adventure with all of you.  Even though the calendar says it is Spring, the cool temps in the 30’s were saying someththing different.  Even so, it was a beautiful sunny day so we made the most of it.
Little Emma Bean was all bundled up and ready to brave the wind to do what she loves to do most, which is throwing stones in the little streams formed by melting snow.
The river is always beautiful no matter the season and the sound of the water flowing over the rocks is always a welcoming call.
We hiked down closer to the river and sat for as long as Emma could sit; the boulders make a nice chair and Emma was patient enough to pose for yet another photo for Mommy.
Heading home I listened when we reached the river reeds for the call of the Red Winged Black Bird, my favorite marsh bird, but it is still a little too chilly for them.  The sun provided a beautiful golden glow and a quick photo opportunity.
Before our adventure ended, we caught one last view of the river, unusually calm, and we enjoyed one last look before heading off for lunch.
Thank you for coming along on our journey and be sure to stop by and see the rest of the photos in the Spring 2010 Scenery album.
Happy Spring to one and all!

Hello World



In the midst of the battle raging around me, when I feel like I can’t face another day, I listen to the words of this song and remember what matters most in my life…a little girl named Emma.  One smile from her sweet face and the light and hope surrounds me once again … hello world!


Traffic crawls, cell phone calls
Talk radio screams at me through my tinted window I see
A little girl, rust red minivan, shes got chocolate on her face
Got little hands and she waves at me
Yeah, she smiles at me

Well, hello world
How you been
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel cold as steel
Broken like Im never gonna heal
And I see a light, a little hope in a little girl
Hello world

Every day I drive by a little white church
Its got these little white crosses
Like angels in the yard
Maybe I should stop on in, say a prayer
Maybe talk to God like he is there
Oh, I know hes there
Yeah, I know hes there

Well hello world
How you been
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel as cold as steel
And broken like Im never gonna heal
And I see a light, a little grace, a little faith unfurls
Well hello world

Sometimes I forget what livings for
And I hear my life through my front door
And I breathe it in
Oh, Im home again
And I see my life
 and a little girl
Hello world
Hello world

Well the empty disappears
I remember why Im here
Just surrender and believe
I fall down on my knees
Well hello world
Hello world
Hello world

Dedicated to my little Emma Bean…may I never lose sight of the beatiful gift I’ve been given! 

How to Get Through Life

How To Get Through Life

Sleep as much as you can …

Read books that you enjoy…

Play with simple things…

Do whatever you want —
Whenever you want…

Look for affection when you need it…

Get serious once in a while…

Forget about diets…


Show some affection…


Get angry once in a while….

Change your looks…


Above all, be happy,
Regardless of what 

Your challenges may be…

Have a great life!

May your troubles be less,
Your blessings more,
And maynothing but happiness

Come through your door. 

Missing my Friends

I’m sorry that I haven’t been on spaces  much lately, but please know  that all of you are never far from my thoughts. 

I’m dealing with many difficult changes  in my life right now and hope to  find myself in a happier place soon.

Love and Hugs to all of my dear friends whom I miss very much!

The Joys of Parenthood

Let me apologize in advance for the inappropriate word in this scenario and I hope it does not offend anyone.  
In looking at it from a parent’s perspective, you can’t help but giggle.
Have a great day! 

Thursday Thrill


A farmer stopped by the local mechanic shop to have his truck fixed. They
couldn’t do it while he waited, so he said he didn’t live far & would just
walk home.

On the way, he stopped at the hardware store & bought a bucket & a gallon
of paint. He then stopped by the feed store & picked up a couple of
chickens & a goose. However, struggling outside the store, he now had a
problem – how to carry his entire purchases home.

While he was scratching his head he was approached by a little old lady who
told him she was lost. She asked, "Can you tell me how to get to 1603
Mockingbird Lane ?"


The farmer said, "Well, as a matter of fact, my farm is very close to that
house. I would walk you there, but I can’t carry this lot."

The old lady suggested, "Why don’t you put the can of paint in the bucket.
Carry the bucket in one hand, put a chicken under each arm & carry the
goose in your other hand?"

"Why, thank you very much”, he said, and proceeded to walk the old girl home.


On the way he says, "Let’s take a short cut & go down this alley. We’ll be
there in no time."

The little old lady looked him over cautiously, then said, "I am a lonely
widow w/out a husband to defend me. How do I know that when we get in the
alley you won’t hold me up against the wall, pull up my skirt, & have your
way w/me?"

The farmer said, "Holy smokes, lady! I’m carrying a bucket, a gallon of
paint, 2 chickens & a goose. How in the world could I possibly hold you up
against the wall & do that?"

The old lady replied, "Set the goose down, cover him w/the bucket, put the
paint on top of the bucket, & I’ll hold the chickens …"


Never understimate little old ladies!

Tuesday Tickler

The Human Body
It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. 

One human hair can support 3 kg (6.6 lb). 

The average man’s private area is three times the length of his thumb. 

Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. 

A woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s.

There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

Women blink twice as often as men. 

The average person’s skin weighs twice as much as the brain.

Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. 

If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. 

Women reading this will be finished now. 

Men are still busy checking their thumbs.

The Past and the Present

Hello my friends!

I hope all of you had a joyous and blessed Holiday season.  Now a new year begins and my hope and prayer is that it will be a good one for all of us.  This past year was one of turbulence and sadness for me and this one will be filled with change and new beginnings.  Little Emma turned three on December 27th and I just can’t believe it.  Many of you here have watched her grow up through my blogs and photos.  She is the love of my life and brings me continued joy and challenges; she is quite the little princess.

Many of you know that I had been hoping that Earl and I could salvage our marriage after agreeing to drop the divorce proceedings in June.  Sadly, I have had to accept the fact that there is too much water under the bridge and  we just cannot make things right.  I ask that you all keep us in your prayers and my hope is that we can get through the process as civilly as possible and with the least amount of strain for Emma.  I don’t know how it will all turn out but I am praying for the best possible outcome so that Emma can benefit from having both of her parents consistently in her life.

I am still enjoying my job as the Administrative Assistant at New Day Children’s Center.  Emma is getting ready to move up from the Toddler class to the 3 year old classroom which is right next to my office.  I am so blessed to have a job where I can take my daughter with me and know she is safe and enjoying learning new things and making new friends.  We have 120 children enrolled and have a waiting list for people needing childcare.  The teachers and staff I work with are amazing and it is so satisfying to work with people who put their heart into making each day an awesome one for the kids they care for.  I am amazed also at the compassion and outpouring of support from staff, the parents of our children and the community in a time of tragedy.  One of our teachers was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and last week another teacher lost everything in a house fire.  Everyone immediately rallied together to do all they could to help with stunning results. I was truly touched to see the genuine efforts to do whatever was necessary for someone in their time of need and ask that you keep them in your prayers as one tries to rebuild her life and one faces the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

The weather here has been brutal the past month with never ending snow and temperatures in the single digits by day and well below zero at night.  Along with the bitter cold and snow comes the beauty that Mother Nature reveals to us.  Yesterday was the first day in weeks that we had sun and blue skies so a road trip was on the agenda.  Henderson Harbor is a beautiful town about 1/2 hour South of here and the homes all back up to Lake Ontario which is now white with snow and frozen with ice.  I have been working hard on learning about and improving my photography skills as it is my joy to take photos of Emma and the beautiful scenery all around me.  I have been putting to use the tips from those of you who do it so well and finally feel like I’m beginning to see results that I am happy with. 

I will leave you with some photos from yesterday at Henderson Harbor and I will be adding my latest photos to some of my albums; hope you will stop by and take a look when you have a chance.  For now…cuddle up with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the scenery! 



I plan to be more diligent in coming by to visit you all as I am hoping I can better manage my time and my life in this new year!

Take care and God Bless!

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